Thursday, February 19, 2009

All the words that are new for me.

vocabulary words:
enclose: to surround
crouched:too pick something up with your knees bent
league: a unit of measurement
clattered:to make a rattling sound
pursue:to follow in order to overtake
whirring:to go, fly, revolve, or otherwise move quickly with a humming or buzzing sound
idly: not working or active
gesture:a movement or position of the hand
voyage:a course of travel or passage

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Chapter #29

This is the 29 Chapter and so far I think that this book is great.Ok back to the story.Two years later The same ship came back and she decided to go to them. so she did and they were very nice. Karana did not speak the same language so they just made shapes with there hands.The white men made a dress for Karana and they were ready to leave but they stayed there for 10 days.When they were sailing she thought of all of the good times she had on the island.She was so sad leaving the island but she missed not being with people.
This book is awesome.Ok I'm done with the book nothing else to say.

Chapter #28

When Karana woke up the next day she walked over to the beach and she saw all over her canoe's and they were all destroyed and she had no food.So Karana had to make another canoe.She picked up all the planks from the destroyed canoes and she was making a new one.The next day she was all most done making the canoe and she looked at the ocean and she saw a ship.It did not look like the Aleuts ship but it did not look like the white peoples ship.She decided to hide in case it was the Aleuts in a different ship.Two men came out of the ship and called for her but before she could get to them the two men they jumped in the ship and left her. This chapter was sad. I don't know what will happen next.

Chapter #27

It was summer and the island was very hot.One day Karana wanted to go to sleep so she put the canoe over her for shade.When she woke up the ocean did not look the same.there was a beach far in the ocean.the reason there was a beach in the island is because the tide was super low.So Karana went to the beach to get some food and a huge wave came so she ran to a close hill and grabbed on to it.the hit her and it hert her.They kept on hitting her so she climbed the hill and stayed up there till it died down.The next day it was a little bit better so she ran to the house and stayed there.When she was at the house she could her the waves crashing on the mountain.Finally the next day the waves stopped. I do not know what will happen next.

Chapter #26

Karana was so sad that Rontu died that she did not go out side for a long time but one day she did and she saw a dog that looked a lot like Rontu.The dog had a white fur coat just like Rontu and it had yellow eyes.So Karana thought about catch him. So she put out traps but the dog never got trapped.So she thought of another way to catch the dog.She made this strange mixture of items and put it in the water that the dogs drink.When the dogs finally drank the water they all fell a sleep.So she ranover to the dogs and picked up the one that looked like Rontu.It looked so much like Rontu Karana thinks it is Rontu's baby.So she ran to her house with dog and tide him up and put some meat by him.When the dog woke up he howled for the rest of the day.After a few day's the dog became friends with Karana. Karana decided to name the dog Rontu-Aru which means Rontu's son. I thought this chapter was happy because Karana found another friend.

Chapter #25

Some thing very sad happened in chapter 25.Karana's dog named Rontu died. Avery night Karana lets her dog out to go play and he will show up the next night but one day he did not show up.So Karana went out to go look for him and she found him laying in a cave.So she put her hand out and he like it but he did not have a lot of energy.So she picked him up and walked him to the house.On the way they saw a lot of seagulls.So she put Rontu down expecting him to bark at them put he just followed them with his eyes so Karana put her hand on is chest and she felt his heart spot.So the next day she barred His body. This chapter was sad.

Chapter #24

It was spring again and there were a lot of birds.The birds that Karana caught last year came back to the island and they laid two baby birds.So Karana took them and tamed them just like the parents.One day Karana was in the canoe and there were a couple of otters in the water.She was paddling back to the island and there was a otter that followed her. She didn't recognised him at first but then she noticed that it was the one she found a month ago.The otter was not a lone it had to babies behind it.Karana found out that the otter was actually a girl and it was a mom.Since Karana had a lot of pets she decided to not kill any animals. This chapter was happy.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Chapter #23

after the Aleuts left there were a lot of injured otters.Karana killed a couple to put them out of there misery.When Karana was walking around one day she saw a small otter and it did not look injured. so she walked over to it and she saw a gash in it's back so she put it in a safe area and left it there and came back with two fish.when Karana came back the two fish were gone.The next day she brought three fish and the otter ate them.the next day Karana brought four and now she always brings four.One day Karana couldn't catch any fish so she did not go to it that day.So when she went to feed the otter the next day it was not there.Sadly it left. Since Karana had nothing to do she made two earrings to match her neckles. Sad but happy.

chapter #22

The girl came back and Karana became friends with her.they hanged out with each other for a couple days and Karana was happy they became friends. One day the little girl came back with a pretty neckles . Karana was so happy that she got a neckles that she made one for the Aleut girl.They were very good friends and Karana and the Aleut girl hung out about a very day but one day the Aleut girl did not come so Karana looked out side and the Aleuts were gone.Karana was happy because she could go were ever now but she was sad and lonely now. This chapter was ok. I think Karana will get very sad and lonely.